Kapha Balance Oil – 100ml
KAPHA dosha or energy is responsible for the stability, lubrication, substance, and support of our physical body.
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KAPHA dosha or energy is responsible for the stability, lubrication, substance, and support of our physical body.
KAPHA dosha or energy is responsible for the stability, lubrication, substance, and support of our physical body.
An authentic warming and soothing ayurvedic herbal massage oil formula with more than 30 herbs like ashwagandha, turmeric, black pepper for aching and stiffness of muscles and joints, back ache and neck ache, arthritis.
PITTA dosha or energy controls the heat mechanism in the body and triggers inflammations, allergies, immunity, digestion processes and governs the hormones and enzymes.
PITTA dosha or energy controls the heat mechanism in the body and triggers inflammations, allergies, immunity, digestion processes and governs the hormones and enzymes.
Sesame Oil is a good oil for massage as it penetrates deeply into the skin at a medium pace.
A delicately balanced formula for any body type, or occasion, with extracts of triphala; the revered Indian gooseberry which is a powerhouse of nutrition, high in vitamin C and amino acids.
A delicately balanced formula for any body type, or occasion, with extracts of triphala; the revered Indian gooseberry which is a powerhouse of nutrition, high in vitamin C and amino acids.
VATA Dosha or energy is the primary motivating force of the three doshas—without it, the other doshas are unable to move.
VATA Dosha or energy is the primary motivating force of the three doshas—without it, the other doshas are unable to move.
Authentic Ayurvedic body massage oil is based on the time honoured Ayurvedic therapeutic mahanarayan oil which helps support muscle and joint health.