Category: Consultations & treatments
Ayurveda Personal Wellbeing Consultations

If you are experiencing physical illness, emotional pain or chronic stress, or if you simply want to nurture your current state of health and balance, Yoga Veda UK is here to offer you professional, compassionate guidance on your healing journey.
Yoga Veda UK offers integrative health care, which means that we focus on the whole person, addressing your health concerns from a physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective.
In contrast with conventional medicine, we go beyond simply relieving symptoms and instead aim to address the underlying imbalances and other root causes of illness. We practice using the ancient science of Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga philosophy. With this caring, individualised approach, we will work with you to develop a personal prescription that will set you on a course to health and wellbeing.
If you are facing a chronic or lifestyle-based condition, the integrative medical consultations can help you become an active, empowered partner in your path back to wellness.
Initial consultations last for approx 60 minutes and involve a bespoke assessment of:
- Current health problems
- Symptoms and your experiences
- Past medical history
- Life, work and family balance and any problems inherent to these
- Any stresses or pressures
Conditions Commonly Managed Include:
- Auto-immune conditions such as celiac disease and thyroid problems
- The management of ongoing health issues
- The management of physical and emotional pain
- Fatigue, lethargy, lack of vitality
- Arthritis,joint pain and stiffness
- Muscle fatigue and pain
- Emotional problems
- Headaches and migraines
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Digestive problems
- Food intolerances
We are interested in understanding and managing the root cause of your condition rather than your symptoms and to do so must fully understand you as an individual and all facets of your life. This will allow us to generate a health promotion protocol based specifically for you as an individual.
The possible protocols vary greatly but almost always include the use of:
- Ayurvedic treatments
- Clinical therapeutic massage
- Indian head massage
- Herbal remedies and food supplementations
- Marma therapy
- Meditation and relaxation techniques
- Exercise prescription
- Daily routines (Dynachara)
- Dietary awareness and detoxification
- Therapeutic aromatherapy regimes
- Yoga therapy
How to Book:
To discuss your requirements or to book a private integrative Ayurvedic health consultation please use the contact form below.
Cost and Payment:
Choose the level of consultation to suit you
- Email consultation for specific conditions – £50
- Face to face 60-minute consultation with email 6-week follow up – £90
- Face to face 60-minute consultation with face to face 6-week follow up – £120
- Face to face 60-minute consultation with summarised personalised report* and detailed protocol recommendations with a 6-week email follow up – £150
- Face to face 60-minute consultation with face to face follow up and full in-depth personalised report^ and detailed protocol recommendations including 6-week face to face or email follow up – £195
If preferred face to face consultations can be carried out via skype.
Follow up sessions focus on discussing progress and any further recommendations, treatments or adaptions to protocol required.
*Summarised personalised report provides an outline of recommended protocol including dosha specific diet advice, exercise prescription, daily routine suggestions, meditation and pranayama all suited to individual constitution and current vikruti (existing dosha imbalance)
^Full in depth personalised report covers all of the above with an comprehensive analysis of genetic constitution, detail of sub doshas linked to current vikruti imbalance, explanation of protocol recommendations, customised dosha specific diet programme, (detox or weight loss included ) dosha specific recipes, yoga therapy / exercise prescription, detailed daily routine with explanation, tongue and/or pulse analysis and results . Dhatu (tissue layers) and Guna (mindset) analysis and results.
Benedict (verified owner) –
I had an excellent experience working with Julia whose valuable insights and advice I found very effective to increase my mood, diet and wellbeing. Her integrative approach was so useful and really helped me see the issues I wanted advice on in a more holisitc way than a GP or Western medicine might. I would very much recommend a session with her!
Mrs K T Brandon –
I have been following my Ayurveda journey for sometime now, guided by Julia. I can honestly say it has been life changing , so transformative. I have experienced huge shifts in my wellbeing and have learnt to be responsible for my own health in ways that are so very simple and easy to implement I dont know why I didn’t look into this sooner.
I used to suffer with chronic fatigue particularly over the winter months. This has completely been erased from my life! Just following routines , energising at the right time and supporting my digestion with a diet that is much more suited to my needs.
I have witnessed the darker, sluggish sides of Kapha turn into the hugely positive traits of the dosha. Every one around me benefits. I will never look back. I am entirely grateful for the support I have been given and continue to receive. Always something to learn!
Diana –
I have recently received a Ayurveda Consultation Report from Julia. I was amazed at the depth and the insights it has now provided me with to help me manage my own wellbeing. I had no idea that just a few relatively small changes in my habits could have such a big impact. I found Julia compassionate , understanding and extremely knowledgeable, not just on Ayurveda but Yoga as well. Such a support to have in my life Glad I found you Julia THANK YOU
Tanya Elizabeth Hawkins (verified owner) –
My husband Paul and I contacted Julia as we had some health issues. We also wanted to make changes in our lives which would hopefully help us with our future wellbeing. Julia was recommended to us by our yoga teacher. Julia compiled a very thorough report for us and the service that we have experienced has been professional.
Julia is very knowledgeable and approachable. Paul and I have, with Julia’s help, made positive changes to our diet and routine. We have also been introduced to foods, supplements, oils and herbs, which has been interesting to try. Paul and I are still on our Ayurvedic journey but would recommend this approach to anyone who is interested in embracing a lifestyle which complements good health and longevity.