Crown Chakra
The crown chakra symbolises enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, energy, and perfection.
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The crown chakra symbolises enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, energy, and perfection.
The centre of all the chakras, the heart chakra is the link between the lower three and higher three chakras.
The root chakra is the base of the entire chakra system, with this chakra imbalanced you are likely to have problems such as depression, no motivation, fears, negative self-image, circulation, and digestion problems.
The second chakra within the body, the centre of sexual energy, creativity, reproduction, and desire.
This chakra is the power of life throughout your body, located in the centre of the rib cage.
The Third Eye Chakra is located in your forehead, and it is related to spiritual awareness, psychic power, intuition, light and concentration.
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